A do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order is a formal statement of your medical care preferences. It states your wishes if your heart stops working. This legal document goes into your medical record. It ensures that your doctor and medical team know your wishes. 

A DNR order states that you do not want your medical team to revive you if your heart stops. Many people prefer to die a natural death. This is especially true if they are in a situation where they are unlikely to recover. Such states include being near the end of life or in a coma.

A DNR order helps ensure that your body is allowed to die naturally if your heart stops. The only way to prevent resuscitation is to put a DNR order in your medical record. Just remember, if your wishes change, you can reverse your DNR order at any time. It is also important to know that you can still receive medical treatments even with a DNR order.

Your doctor can help you decide if you would like a DNR order. Discuss your chances of recovery if your heart were to stop working. Also, consider your quality of life in these circumstances. For instance, if you were in a coma and not likely to recover or you were near the end of your life, would you like treatment such as resuscitation to keep you alive? In the end, it is your decision and your way to make your wishes known.

A DNR order: YOUR way to make YOUR wishes known!