You are more likely to develop heart disease if you have lupus. This also means that you are at higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke, especially at a younger age. This is due to the chronic inflammation caused by lupus. Inflammation can damage your heart and circulation system over time.

Your doctor can check for inflammation in your body with two tests:

  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
  • C-reactive protein (CRP)

There are other factors that can raise your risk of heart disease if you have lupus. Steroids are a common treatment for lupus. Frequent steroid use raises the risk of developing both heart disease and diabetes. People with lupus often have other risk factors for heart disease unrelated to lupus, including:

  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking

heart faiure

Have your doctor check your heart disease risk. This check takes into account your age, sex, past medical history, and the results of a cholesterol test. Treating risk factors can reduce your overall risk of heart disease. Reducing the risk of heart disease is especially important for people with lupus.

Lupus can be hard on your heart, so treat your risk factors and do your part!